


Laughter, glee, childish
The sleds rush by
Snow in the air from the boots trying to direct it
But in vain, the tree is coming, no, the garage, no the side of the house
A crash, a bang, more snow in the air
Mittens lost, hats on trees, boots in bushes
Face down in the snow, ready to ride again

Strange Brew


Title: Strange Brew
Genre: Comedy
Released: 1983
Rating: 6/10
Review: Ummm, Canadian humor. A wacky film that would make any Canadian cringe, but yet funny. Filmed in Ontario, where two brothers end up working in a beer brewery and end up knee deep in an attempt of a hostile take over of the plant from the deceased brother. This movie has many subtle funny moment, starts off slow, but it is a must see. Rent it, but please, don’t buy it.

Falling Down

Title: Falling Down
Genre: Drama
Released: 1993
Rating: 8/10
Review: It's one of those days, where everything and anything pisses you off. Imagine the day where you just snap and tell the world exactly what you think and how you feel. Well, for Bill Foster sitting in a traffic jam, with no air conditioning this happens, he breaks and goes home. It is an enjoyable movie, well paced with subtle humour of anyone who has been in any of the situation portrait with in this movie. From paying too much for a can of soda to being looked down upon by rich golfers. I can sympathise with Bill, has he lashes out against the flaws of society.

Waking Dreams


Waking Dreams

I wait for you in my dreams,
But unleash wrath upon my loved ones when you come.
I look for you during the day,
But fear the moment I see you,
You besiege my walls,
and I wait three word.

The Lingering of the Soul


The Lingering of the Soul

The past hang over me still
The dreams replay with in me
Unable to close the last chapter
The ink is still wet
The pain is still real

The sun shines
More often I must say
But at times I feel like I am in the center of the storm
The sun protruding through the eye
But darkness all around